Tuesday, July 15, 2008

FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Marseille 2008

For it’s first time, the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup will be leaving the sands of Brazil's Copacobana beach and will be hosted in Marsilles, France. The FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup takes place July 17th-27th 2008, with FIFA overseeing the event for the 4th year now. 16 teams will compete for championships, with the action kicking off in the next two days with France playing their first group stage match against Senegal.

If you are looking for coverage of the games, be sure to check out the tournament’s official website at www.FIFA.com/marseille2008

In the spirit of the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup, Soccerworld Polson Pier will be hosting Canada’s biggest Beach Soccer Championships this coming August. With two tour dates set August 9th-10th (Soccerworld, Polson Pier) and August 23rd-24th (Wasaga Beach), the tournaments will support all levels of play, from Youth to Co-ed, Womens and Men’s Pro Am.

For more information and to register check out Soccer World Central.


Kamagra Oral Jelly said...

I wanted to go to this beach soccer world cup, not only because the team of country classificated, also because I was living in that time in Spain, but my work situation don't allowed in that moment.

viagra online said...

I think FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup hasn't been the boom all people had waited for, actually I was Beach Soccer player and it was so hard specially because of the country I come from.m10m

cialis online said...

FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup is a great event , I live this sport because is so competitive , the national team of Brazil is the best one !